The Elusive Jillian Wilson (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 10
Vince was quiet on the drive back to the condo. Jillian kept her thoughts to herself, too.
He left Jillian watching the Food Network on television and went into his office to check his e-mail and call Haney. Being on vacation didn’t mean that he was about to neglect keeping his eye on things. He had a dozen district managers to take care of the details and should be able to relax for at least a week without checking on them, but that was not how his company had grown as big as it had, and he saw no reason to change things.
Jillian heard vicious yelling and cursing coming from Vince’s home office. She went to the door and peeked around. Vince was talking into his cell phone, threatening someone with bodily harm.
“If you hurt her in any way, I will turn you into hamburger, you bastard. You cause her one minute of grief, and I will bury you. She has enough to worry about without having to worry if her new husband will be out fucking some bimbo when she needs him at home.”
Vince threw the expensive phone at the wall and stomped towards where Jillian was standing by the door. When he saw her standing there so still, he knew she had heard the conversation with Haney.
“That fucker Haney took my assistant Beatrice and her son to Vegas and married her. Haney says he loves her and she loves him. He says he is crazy about Dustin, her son, and that I need to butt out of her life and allow them to be happy. Then he tells me that if I don’t like it I can find myself another lawyer. That Bea wants to keep working for me, but if I cause too big of a stink over the marriage I should start looking for a new assistant.”
Jillian held out her arms, and he did not hesitate to walk into them. “Hey, come on, it will be fine. Haney would not really hurt your assistant, would he? Is he really the type of man to purposefully marry a woman and then cheat on her?”
Vince shook his head and let the whole story of Beatrice and Dustin out. He told her about warning Haney away from her at least once and thought that Haney would back off knowing that the woman had too much to worry about as it was.
“I guess we will have to wait and see if he is lacking in character as you are afraid that he is. Now, I need you to help me with something else.”
Vince was not about to help her leave him. He picked her up and carried her into his bedroom, tossing her down on top of the white cotton comforter. He sat next to her and put his hand on her belly to get her to stay there.
“I know that we have not known each other very long, and I know that it is much too soon to talk about loving you. The truth of the matter is that I wanted you the first time I saw you sitting there in the back of the limo, even with a gag in your mouth, and I still want you. I want to explore the possibility of an extended relationship together, just you and me. Can we do that? Will you stay with me and find out if these feelings are the real thing?”
He leaned in for a tender kiss that took her breath away. She could see he was being sincere, and how could she be any less honest with him?
“Yes, I will stay. I am not sure if you noticed or not, but I could have called my folks or Kelly anytime this weekend and been out of here if I found it that hard to stay with you. I think I am in love with you already, and it is too damn soon, I know. How can I be in love with a man after knowing him just a few short days? If you really want to see what we might be able to build together, then I will stay.”
* * * *
Three Years Later
The sturdy little boy stood looking down at his new brother in disgust. “I don’t like him.” The normally sweet child was not happy. Until today he had been the only child. “He poops his pants.”
When he stepped to the next bassinet he reached a chubby finger down to touch the tiny pink hand of his baby sister. He smiled. “I like her.”
His parents watched as he grew bored with the twins that were just home from the hospital and ran over to his toys.
Vince held his wife as they watched their eldest son kick sand in the air and then laugh as he sat on a child-sized toy bulldozer.
So much had happened in the last three years. His life was so full with family and work. What man could ask for more?
Jill was his center now. They argued and fought like any couple would do, and until their oldest son William was born she traveled with him all over the world. He took her to a few B/d S/m clubs in various countries and they learned some new techniques to enhance their play at home.
The basement dungeon was complete and he loved the times they used the small private room.
Vince had been at her side when Will was born, and watching her strength and determination to bring their baby into the world humbled him. He readily admitted to himself that she was the stronger of the two of them. He was barely on time to witness the birth of his twins. That feeling of pride and accomplishment he experienced when Will was born expanded to include the two tiny babies lying side by side in front of him.
Eli and Beatrice slept peacefully side by side in the same bassinette so Vince steered his tired wife to their bed, pulled her shoes from her feet, and tucked her in for a much-needed nap.
He went outside and smiled at Mrs. Bailey the housekeeper and part-time nanny before he snatched a cookie from Will’s plate and pretended to reach for the small glass of milk. The look of outrage on his son’s face made him laugh and replace the cookie before snatching the boy up and giving him a tender bear hug then putting the giggling child back into his chair.
Brenda was found guilty of kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, and attempted murder on two counts. The lesser weapons charges and assault charges were dropped but that did not give her sympathy with the jury. Her ego and attitude during the trial was the reason for the lengthy sentences that would run concurrently for the next twenty- five years.
Dillon was wanted on many warrants from different states and the last Vince heard about the man was that he was found guilty not only in Georgia for his shared crimes with Brenda. When he was finished with his twenty years here he would be transferred to Florida for an additional ten years.
Vince had not heard from Vinny since the end of the trial and he hoped the boy decided to do something productive with his life.
Bea and Haney appeared to be blissfully happy. Many mornings Bea was pink cheeked when Haney dropped her off at the office. Dustin had a new best friend and step siblings that adored him.
Vince still played video games with Dustin once in a while but the kid dispatched his players so quickly that Vince lost the challenge every time they played.
Hearing the tiny cry brought a smile to his lips and Vince put down his notebook to assist his wife while she breastfed the twins.
About me? I am a very fortunate woman. I have three careers and am thinking about a fourth. Domestic, as in wife and mother. Professional, as in realtor. And entertainment, as in writer.
I am married to my fun-loving husband and am the mother of four children who are the greatest things I have ever accomplished in my life. I enjoy cooking, and I will read anything that catches my eyes and interest.
My ancient poodle is blind in one eye and cannot see out of the other one. She has four teeth left, and yes, I am one of those people who cooks chicken for my dog.
I have been writing short stories for my own amusement for years. One day while I was busily typing away, I decided to take a leap and send some of my short stories to a publisher. I didn’t tell anyone until my first story was accepted. Then I texted my husband and called one of my girls at 10:30 p.m. after checking my e-mail and discovering the good news.
My point is this, take that leap of faith in yourself. Challenge yourself. If you want that job, apply for it. You want to go somewhere no one else wants to go? Then do it. Please don’t let fear hold you back.
I worried that my children might be embarrassed by the genre of my short stories. After all, who wants to know that their mom writes erotic fiction? Silly me, they are proud of me for finally ta
king that first step. Take your steps, believe in yourself, and trust the ones that love you.
I do hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.
Contact me: or Lynn Ray Lewis on FB.
For all titles by Lynn Ray Lewis, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
About the Author